Draw a Conclusion
I’m not much for furore over logo’s, especially car logos — but the KIA rebrand had been bugging me for a while.
To be clear, no-one asked me to do this and I have no working relationship with Hyundai or Kia. But, the missread KN still costs the company for redirects and depletes attribution to the brand name.
A solve occured to me while in traffic staring at the marque on the car in front — the space beneath the K could be repeated under the A to aid readability. It also brings the marque to a conclusion.
The Name Kia means emerge from Asia. The first sylable Ki meaning to arise, the second refers to Asia. Without the read of the A, the name completely misses its point of origin.
It made me happy that this could be so simply corrected, although the investment in ammending the marque is likely to cost more than the impact of the error.
Maybe I should create a logo patch for all those owners who’d like to fix the error as much as me.
Sometimes, instead of complaining, you just have to fix things.